2. Single Beam Echo sounder survey and get high precision

Discover the power of single beam echosounders for underwater mapping and surveying.

In this article you will learn the basic principle of Single beam echo sounder survey ,its principles and data acquisition. Moreover, you will learn the working methodology of transducer and how actually transducer works. Further, it will make you understand that where to use hat data and for what purpose we are collecting data while using SBES.

Accurate underwater mapping

Single Beam echo sounder survey provides high-resolution scans, delivering accurate underwater maps for oceanographers and marine surveyor.

single beam echosounder survey


Comprehensive data collection

With EchoMapper’s advanced data collection and analysis features, you can obtain comprehensive, reliable data for your oceanographic research.

single beam echosounder


Single beam echo sounder survey Operation/ principle

  • In bathymetry, the object to be positioned is frequently the seabed
  • Usually, the horizontal position of a surface vessel is obtained first, and then the distance between the vessel and the seabed, i.e., the depth
  • In modern hydrographic surveying, depth is determined from observation of travel time of acoustic waves. An acoustic pulse transmitted by a transducer travels through the column of water and is then reflected by the target (sea floor) back to the hydrophone. Depth is calculated from the measured travel time ∆T
echosounder operation

The resolution of an echo sounder can define either its measuring precision or detection capabilities. It is a function of the following factors

Transducer beam pattern for single beam echo sounder survey

  • It is effective to have the echo pulse directed to the target desired in order to increase power and establish the correct range to the target.
  • The pattern of the beam for a transducer should ensure its directional response, i.e., a response as a function of the direction of the transmitted (or incident) sound wave in a specified plane at a specified frequency Pattern control is important to
  • concentrate energy in a specified direction
  • Reduce noise and interference on receiving transducer.
  • A single point source radiates energy omni-directionally
  • In the case of transducers used for hydrography, energy is normally concentrated along the axis that is perpendicular to the radiating surface
  • Transducers used in hydrography are designed to produce beams of acoustic power of various shapes
  • The shape of the beam is determined by the size and shape of the transducer, typically measured in wavelengths at the resonant/transmitting frequency
  • •The beam pattern of circular transducers is of the shape of a cone whose vertex angle varies between 2° and 30°
  • • Most of the energy of the beam is concentrated in the main lobe, whose limits are defined as -3 dB points
  • • The angle θ between points at which the acoustic energy intensity has fallen to half (-3 dB point) of that along the main axis is called the beam angle. In other words, the intensity of the acoustic energy at the angular limit of the beam

Easy to use single beam echo sounder survey

EchoMapper’s intuitive user interface allows you to easily configure and operate the equipment, making your underwater surveying or mapping project a breeze to complete.

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